SPECIAL Virtual Dolphin Retreats!

SPECIAL Virtual Dolphin Retreats!

from $350.00

LIVE 6 Week “Releasing the Dolphin N’ You” Retreats!


June - July $450

(Please specific which retreat: Beluga or Orca)

LIVE Retreat Dates:

RETREAT Beluga: Tuesdays 6pm-8pm (PST) 9pm-11pm (EST) 3pm-5pm (HST)

NEW Retreat begins June 11th

RETREAT Orca: Saturdays 1pm-3pm (PST) 4pm-6pm (EST) 10am-12am (HST)

NEW Retreat begins June 15th

Retreat recordings are sent each week to watch and experience at your own leisure!

Emailed Details of Weekly Focus, Exercises, Games, and Extra “Bonus” Gifts (mailed out)

BONUS: A “friend referral” that joins, you’ll receive a $25 GC to use on Dolphingirl site towards gifts or sessions!

PLUS ​10% will go to Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project for the care, releasing, and outreach in keeping dolphins “wild and free,” like we all love to be!

Limited Spots Available!

Contact Dolphingirl with any questions

"Their world is our world!" ~ Dolphingirl

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