Happy choices, happy life! 5 things to brighten up your dismal day!

Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted in your day, especially with all the pressing and urgent issues we are facing…

#OurPlanet #globalwarming #climatestrike #racingextinction #animalabuse #nocaptivity #wildandfree #conservation #amazonwatch #sustainability #reducesingleuseplastics Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project

The good news is, our daily choices are making a difference, from right inside our homes; then out and about as we are living our lives.

Here are 5 suggestions you can do in brightening up a dismal day!

  1. Taking time to breathe - whether it be 10 mins in the morning, or an exercise you love. Doing a conscious act helps ignites your #neurotransmitters & is a #stress buster of healing pain!

  2. Reducing your animal product intake… Why? Because there’s over 2,000 waves of reducing your blood pressure, cholesterol, stress, and allergies by eliminating the foods which are causing harm to your body and our planet. For references, watch: thegamechangers and cowspiracy (livestock and their byproducts account for at least 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.)

  3. Reviewing your household products, are they biodegradable? If you only had the liquid products left in your house to drink, could you? Everything we use and do, ends up back into our oceans. They’re always alternatives, even using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for cleaning grit and clogged drains works wonders.

  4. Lovin drive-thru ? BYO! Bring your own reusable cups, straws, utensils, and containers. If they refuse, maybe time to choose and create other planetary friendly alternatives. Plus, your body will thank you, adding many years of radiant and shiny youthfulness!

  5. Being kind to strangers, and that may include yourself. If you have been mentally giving yourself a hard time with criticism of “shoulds” and “coulds,” Stop "in the name of love,” and give yourself and others some TLC. A smile is really a few less worries a day…

    Let us all try to remember, “Where there’s a will, there’s a Wave!”

    Kinder options are ALWAYS available.

Wave will

Anyone needing or wanting some pointers in happy lifestyle or/and dietary choices, feel free to contact me at: https://www.dolphingirl.org/contact