A bright light during this dark storm!
Some uplifting news... especially during stressful days!
What I learned during the adolescent years of my life, has held true, even to this day. This was the time my Mum worked for Jack LaLanne in the Bay Area, and was often taking me along on her trips to the local health foods stores when they were very minimal, and smelling like Tiger Milk protein powder. It was also an awkward period for me, because I was overweight, slurring my words, and quite shy.
Here are a few simple and healthy “Mom” teachings that we can easily add to our daily lifestyle, as well as some things I’ve learned on my road of healing.
1st thing we can have in the mornings, is a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, made from Bragg's (based in Santa Barbara.)
As I child, I initially thought, yucky! Then, as the saying goes, "an apple a day, keeps the doctor away."
Apple cider vinegar has various healthful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. Aiding weight loss, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels, and improving the symptoms of diabetes.
Please only use/buy organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar that contain "mother.”
2nd thing
Celery juice is extremely detoxifying, as it flushes out old toxins and poisons that have built up over time. It also helps in killing viruses, bad bacteria, fungi and parasites in your body. Maintaining a healthy gut, improving digestion, and reducing bloating.
Drinking a glass in the morning by itself alkalizes your body. Certain foods can create acidic byproducts in your body after digestion. (more info on alkalizing your body: https://www.thelifeco.com/en/blog/diet-tips-to-alkalise-your-body)
10 Benefits of Celery Juice
Celery Juice heals and activates the gut by restoring hydrochloric acid which helps us digest things faster and more efficiently.
Celery Juice lowers cholesterol.
Celery Juice is a natural anti-inflammatory.
Celery Juice lowers blood pressure.
Celery juice aids the liver (which does over 500 jobs (functions) in the human body. It is the only organ that can regenerate, and is the largest solid organ in the body.)
3rd thing
Daily putting your feet up (higher than your head) and/or doing "inversions"
Going upside down is a dolphin/whale therapy I learned, and something I've naturally done in the pool or ocean water during my lifetime... and just because it feels good.
Later on I found out the benefits, which are:
Benefits of Inversions
Strengthening our four major systems in the body: cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, and endocrine.
Balances both sides of our brain
Energizes our organs as well as our muscles
Increases immunity and prevents illness by stimulating the lymphatic system by counter-moving the fluids in our spine, keeping our body healthy
Improves circulation in our body
Encourages relaxation
Introduces a sense of calmness to our day, even smiles!
And gives us a break from "gravity" monitoring (which I'll talk about later in the video)
Let’s stay safe, happy, and try to be alittle kinder to one another!
Ocean love,
Dolphingirl Dove
Feet Up for atleast 15 mins:}