"Unlocking the Code of Interspecies Communication" - The Coller Dolittle Challenge!

In 1977, after listening to the Songs of the Humpback Whale recordings by Dr. Roger Payne, I made a “beluga promise” to a female captive beluga that my life’s work would be about raising “animal intelligence” and “setting the captives free.” Also in the late 70’s, I devoured all of Dr. John Lilly’s books, and innately understood as a child that Dr. Lilly was applying his methods backwards - trying to teach the dolphins our language, instead of learning their language back to us. Two-way interspecies communication rarely happens with humans are trying to “control.”

“I invite you to entertain some new beliefs about dolphins… [that] these Cetacea with huge brains are more intelligent than any man or woman…” - John C. Lilly

I later met Dr. John Lilly in Hawaii at a 1992 Dolphin & Whale Conference. As 40 years have passed in researching the cognitive sciences of dolphin communications in various parts of the world, I’m realizing the “captives” have often been with the humans’ perceptions and methods in cracking this communications code. The information, discoveries, and empirical evidence that I will be sharing have been from the animal kingdom back to me. In fact, conversational interface with interspecies communications is possible with the natural tools that each human have been given since birth, yet most have this ancient language laying dormant. By practicing with the invisible forces that govern our world and universe, particularly the electrical and electromagnetic fields of energy, as well as our intuition, sensing, and the nature of our connections with Nature that’s literally designed into our very biology, chemistry, and the physics of life, we can start to access this amazing bridge of communications. Not only is communicating with the biggest telecommunications possible, the cetaceans, all animals in the kingdom speak and listen through an ancient aquatic language of “picture talking.”

Through either hands on or virtual (phone, computer, and photographs) conversational experiences with wild and domestic animals, I’ve learned new ways in which we may unlock the DNA coding that lies within each of us, and discovered a method of communication with non-human species, which has helped save lives, resolve conflicts, heal individuals, and bridge circumstances. These conversations have included cetaceans, sea turtles, spotted eagle rays, harbor seals, sharks, dogs, cats, horses, snakes, wild doves, sparrows, birds of prey, dragonflies, bees, and recently a captive snow leopard. - LINK

What allows us access into the lives of animals is heart-forward dynamics, plus a willingness to have a new worldview into the psychophysical concept of reality between our minds and matter, where our focus is INTENTION and INTUITION, rather than agenda and control.

What I’m introducing and proposing is much like the scholars and theorists of antiquity - that the world is no longer flat, and discovering the governing physics of our planet, universe, and our interconnectivity with life.

Was Einstein leading humanity into this connective bridge when he posed, “Imagination is more important than knowledge… knowledge is limited and imagination encompasses the world?”

I believe that imagination involves the waves in which our ancient “picture talking” can allow us access into cracking the code of interspecies communication. Science, stories, and soul.

For reference, I went to the same high school as the “Apple Steves”, contributing telecommunications back with society of “sending wireless messages,” an actual modern day “Picture Talking” of thoughts and feelings in a coded algorithm. Steve Jobs felt that AI was “an extension of ourselves, to help us get back to the connections we have with life.”

So, what if this algorithm technology was already designed in our DNA coding, that when we use the science of light and sound with our “picture talking,” we can ALL access this coding of communications?

I pose these questions to broaden our idea of awareness and possibilities, because I’m wanting to share a project that will be showing waves in which unlocking the code of interspecies communication is accessible to all humans, in the present here and now.

“When we are aware, we are more consciousness of ourselves and our environments. When there is more consciousness, there is more space for kindness, compassion, and care.” - Dolphingirl

This project focuses on the most “conscious breathers” on our planet, the dolphins and whales, yet particularly, conversations with a captive orca.

I’m embarking with a select crew on a new interactive film project, Messages from Morgan, that will include documented steps on the investigative conversations between the main character, a female captive orca, Morgan and myself, plus other animal conversations, both wild and possibly captive. Creating this project in real time and on the orca’s terms will give viewers worldwide the opportunity to see, feel, experience, and IMAGINE “The Dolphin Code of Being Human(e).”

In addition, discovering new possibilities into animal intelligence and the communication available for ALL humans with the animal kingdom.

After I wrote the first edition of Dolphin Talk in 2014, I met an acoustic scientist with holographic sound recording imagery that supported my new communications discoveries, and in recent communications with him, I’m hoping he will join this project when there is viable support financially. Also, I recently published the 2nd edition of Dolphin Talk - Exploring iInterspecies Communications with Dolphins with additional pages and edits. My new book, Why the Whales Sing, coming out later this year will have all the scientific evidence gathered since 2014, supporting interspecies communications with the regenerative factors in play of “animal talk.”

If your team of colleagues would like to experience this way of “cracking the animal communication code”, then please consider me and Messages from Morgan for this amazing Coller Dolittle Challenge.

Waves of gratitude, Dove


Dr. John Lilly’s Quote: In Communication between Man and Dolphin: The Possibilities of Talking with Other Species (1978).

An intro of who Morgan is - a private link can be sent, since Free Morgan is a super short film currently on the festival circuits.

New interactive film project, Messages from Morgan